We love WordPress. We're developers with over 20 combined years experience in the space and we owe a lot of our success to this awesome CMS. One of the biggest aspects that makes WordPress so great is its large plugin ecosystem. It's incredibly easy to add new functionality and features to a WordPress site via these plugins, which makes WordPress flexible and scalable to meet the varying needs of its massive userbase. To find a free plugin, all you have to do is search the plugins repo integrated directly into the WordPress admin area. But what about locating premium plugins?
A centralized location for premium WordPress plugins
When it comes to locating premium plugins, those aren't so easily found. You may stumble upon them in blog round-up posts or see an upsell message in a freemium plugin for a paid version. Maybe when you don't find a free plugin to meet your needs, a search through Google nets a premium plugin that catches your eye. Overall though, they can be a bit more of a challenge to locate. That's where we come in.
The goal of this website is to provide a directory to more easily find WordPress paid plugins. Our plugin collection is searchable by keywords, as well as filterable by category, pricing, license offerings and billing types.

Now, creating a directory for premium plugins is not a new idea. It's been one tried a few times in the past with varying levels of success. Clearly, we're not the only ones to recognize the need for this type of thing in the community. But we're hoping to be the ones to go the distance, stay updated and become a reliable resource for the WordPress community.
“Hey! I have a premium plugin and it's not here!”
If that's the case, we're sorry we missed you! Tracking down quality premium plugins in the WordPress space is incredibly time-consuming. We spent many hours locating and summarizing plugins but it's easy to miss one! If you have a premium plugin and it's not in our directory, feel free to submit the information! Be sure to read the requirements for submission on that page, as well. Once submitted, we'll review and hopefully get you added quickly, if approved.
“My plugin is included but something isn't accurate.”
Woops! We tried to be accurate when summarizing plugin functionality, pricing and integrations. If you're a plugin author and you'd like copy adjustments, need pricing corrections or even if you'd like to submit a different image to represent your plugin on our site, please contact us and we'll get it remedied ASAP.
Time for your next great plugin find
The hardwork and craftsmanship on display in the premium plugin space is incredible. As developers, we're deeply appreciative of the functionality these plugins bring to the table that we're able to leverage for our clients. We hope this site is a way for us to contribute back to the WordPress community and help others locate some of these plugins we've grown to love and rely on. Search our directory to find your new favorite plugin now >